Posts by CBC4ME (Page 11)

Delayed Resurrection

There are two Easter lilies in the front flowerbed at the parsonage that are just now blooming. I planted them a few years after someone gifted me two of their lilies from our Annual Easter Memorial Garden. Maybe I planted them at the wrong time because they’re more like Independence Day lilies than Easter lilies. Because of their…

Answering the Call

This week I had the opportunity to attend a conference up at Green Lake. Somehow, I still don’t know how, but somehow in the almost fifteen years I’ve spent in American Baptist circles, I’ve never been to Green Lake. But this week was the Radical. Redeemed. Ready Conference celebrating 40 years of American Baptist Women in…

Creating and Protecting Sanctuary

This is what I wanted to write about last week. This video is a clip of Naelyn Pike, a young Apache activist, testifying before a House of Representatives subcommittee to advocate for the protection of Oak Flat, a part of the Tonto National Forest east of Phoenix, Arizona and land that’s sacred to the Apache…

We Still Know the Reason

Today I wanted to write about a powerful testimony from a young Apache activist working to protect the sacred land of her tribe. I wanted to share her words with you because her call to action resonated with a piece of the purpose statement our Visioning Team presented at our annual meeting. But that reflection will…

We Know the Reason

Other than a spoken line in our prayer and the silent cries I carried in my heart on Sunday, I wasn’t ready to say much about the shooting that took place in Buffalo last Saturday. Typically in the wake of tragedies like this, we’re left wringing our hands wondering what could have made a person commit such a horrific…

The Longest Shot

The Kentucky Derby has been called the most exciting two minutes in sports, and this past Saturday was no exception when one of the biggest upsets in Derby history took place in the last few seconds. I didn’t watch the race until Monday, but since then I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched the video…

Still Processing

Back in December, I listened to the full oral arguments of a Supreme Court case for the first time. The case was Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization argued before the Court on December 1. The name of this case probably doesn’t sound familiar to you, but if you’ve seen or heard any bit of news this week, you definitely…

Name of God

If you’ve ever read much in the Hebrew Bible, or what most Christians call the Old Testament and what our Jewish siblings call the Tanakh, you’ve probably noticed how God is often referred to as Lord, in small caps (unfortunately, this program doesn’t have small caps as an option so I’ll just make it red). Lord (in small…

Mission Moment – America for Christ Offering

This Sunday we’ll be collecting the annual America for Christ offering for the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS). Please prayerfully consider what you can give to support the many wonderful programs and projects ABHMS funds. ABHMS publishes a number of resources that share the good news as well as the challenges of ministry, while…