Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

We enter this weekend with the celebration of the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Did you know that Michael was the birth name of Dr. King? His father, Daddy King changed their names as a result of experiencing the Protestant Reformation in 1934. There’s much more to the story and how a Baptist preacher (Rev. King Sr.) went to a church conference and came back all fired up to make some much needed changes in Atlanta.

The moment of realization that caused Daddy King to change both his and sons’ name was much an epiphany. The change of names from Michael to Martin Luther caused such an impact that the entire world was changed by one named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We can look through the history of this nation and how this Baptist preacher and son of a Baptist preacher stirred up a flame of hope well beyond circumstances, people and time.

If only someone could please help me understand the implications of the realities that are still ever present today and how so much of the world problems are centered around differences? To quote a friend, I’ll refer to as Lady T. She says, “Different doesn’t have to be Difficult.” 

In 2023, we are living in this faster than ever pace of information sharing and different opinions that put us in positions to make faster decisions, yet with limited or less information.

May we all take a moment to pause and slow down, in honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on what would have been his 94th birthday had he not died nearly 55 years ago this April. This weekend will highlight many MLK Day celebrations around the nation and world with reflections of the famous sermons, quotes, protests and demonstrations.

Let’s remember Dr. Martin Luther King in our actions that can best be summed in the following MLK quote…
“Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

See you in worship on Sunday with the sermon, “3 M’s” with the scripture texts Matthew 7:24-28 and Matthew 12:43-45.

Pastor Frank