Each year as we approach this season of Thanksgiving & Advent, there is often the statement, “where did the year go?” Another comment, “I cannot believe it is Thanksgiving” becomes our reality of it is that time of year again. We are blessed to have those special memorable moments with families and friends. The celebrations…
This weekend we salute and honor our Veterans who have served in various areas of the military… Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force. Each of them have gone through the requirements to join and restrictions on how long you can be in active service. We acknowledge that the Reserves, Army National…
As we begin the month of November, it is Stewardship month and a time of Thanksgiving expressing gratitude for the goodness of God in our lives. There are so many items that are on our minds that we all must be grateful. I started counting them and trying to name them, realizing that each moment…
The beautiful colors of the leaves as they fall from the trees is one of the signs of the changing season. After every blowing wind and rainfall, there are more leaves on the ground than on the trees. The changing of the season is part of the life cycle for nature and each season yields…
How time goes by so fast! This past week has been one year of serving as the Intentional Interim Pastor at CBC during this season of transition and transformation. My reflections over the recent months and sharing messages from the Gospel of Matthew were all a part of “God’s Timing.” God continues to get all…
As we end September, I am trying to hold onto this summer just like the weather. I just know that our days are getting shorter and the fall days are coming soon. During this last week of September, it has been a wonderful joyful connection with the newest families of the Agapè Preschool. The curriculum evening highlighted…
Fall officially begins the morning of September 23rd. Watching the children this week was a clear sign of the changing weather and those up and down weather days with wearing a jacket in the morning and shedding it by noon. It is a wonderful experience to see the children coming to Agape Preschool and being dropped and/or…
Our CBC Rally Sunday and Back to Church Sunday, September 17th is another indication of the summer ending, as everyone begins with the busy schedules. The children are back in school, and the fall sports are in full season. We have the remaining months to finish strongly with our 2023 CBC church plans. Just imagine, the fall holidays and the new…
We began this week by celebrating Labor Day weekend and the last official summer holiday for this year. A clear sign of summer ending is seeing the children gathering and waiting for the yellow school buses and parents bringing their children to school. It was joyful to witness the Agape Preschool opening for the school…
“Summer ends and the school year begins” were the words shared this week in anticipation of the Agape Preschool opening next week. The joy and anticipation of the children returning back to school is being expressed all around the area. While recently shopping for school supplies, there were two sisters in the store that were very…