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Flip the Script

As we begin this year as the Community Baptist Church of Warrenville, we are a congregation in transition and preparing for the future. One might say that we’ve been preparing for the future since the known departure of previous pastoral leadership. We are anxious to get it done and move forward. After all, this is…

JESUS is at the Heart of Christmas

This Advent season has been a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus. As we began this Advent with our theme, “The Heart of Christmas”, we have shared messages including the four elements Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. The specific titles being, 1. HOPE Is At The Heart of Christmas; 2. PEACE In The…

The Heart of Christmas is Love

During this Advent Season, we have experienced our church adjusting to the new norms and bringing back the Christmas Cantata on last Sunday. Those Joyful sounds ringing through the air along with the wonderfully decorated sanctuary was simply beautiful. The labor of Love in preparation began months (in reality years) ago and after many hours…

The HEART of Christmas Brings JOY

During the Advent Season, we have shared inspirational messages on Hope and Peace in keeping with this year’s theme, “The Heart of Christmas.” This weekend continues with Joy building on both Hope and Peace. There’s so much Joy when our hearts are filled with Hope and Peace. While reading a beautiful Christmas story to the Agapè children, this week I had one of those experiences of…

PEACE in the Heart of Christmas

During this special time of the year, our anxiety levels can become elevated as we navigate the ever multiplexing and evolving days leading to Christmas. The business merchants are aggressively seeking to direct our attention to the newest, greatest and must have items for this Christmas. There’s a special sale day for everything Christmas, another…

HOPE is at the Heart of Christmas

In the Thanksgiving Season, the time of gathering with family and friends, God brought us together one more time. For some it was opportunity to make new acquaintances and establish new connections. While for others, it was a time for reconciliation in hope of the restoration with loved ones with whom there may have been…

A Season of Gratitude, A Season of Giving Thanks

We are approaching the busyness of the most wonderful time of the year and the signs are all around. Have you noticed how the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas just somehow all of a sudden appear? There’s usually a neighbor that begins the process of decorating and suddenly, the entire neighborhood is transformed to the…

Time to Share Your Passion

It’s the wonderful time of the year when families begin looking with great anticipation towards the special holidays and family gatherings. We gather and take our special places to fill the tables with our family and friends to enjoy the best from our renowned in-house chefs.  Our taste buds begin to connect with what our…

Time to Change

It’s time to change means something different to everyone across the country and in the various time zones. Our clocks in this state will go back one hour this Saturday and give us more daylight. Hence, Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday morning at 1AM. While there are two states that remain on the standard…

Season of Transition

It’s been a month of transition as we have journeyed together for the past month representing 30 days, 720 hours, 43,200 minutes or 2,592,000 seconds. When we consider that just a few weeks ago, I shared about the fall colors with the changing seasons and now this week, we can witness there are less leaves…