Celebrating Traditions

Each year as we approach this season of Thanksgiving & Advent, there is often the statement, “where did the year go?” Another comment, “I cannot believe it is Thanksgiving” becomes our reality of it is that time of year again.

We are blessed to have those special memorable moments with families and friends. The celebrations of years past bring back additional memories with stories and the sharing of family traditions that are being passed along to the next generation.
Our CBC family also has its wonderful traditions and this Sunday’s Harvest Brunch is one where we will spend time together after worship in fellowship. This will be the first time for the Harvest Brunch in several years due to the pandemic and it promises to be an occasion where we can all be together. Everyone is encouraged to bring their special dish to share and a hearty appetite too! Now, this sounds like a practice run for Thanksgiving Dinner.

The message on Sunday will be the final installment of the three-part Stewardship Sermon series continuing with Matthew 25:14-30 titled Stewardship – Faithfulness.

Pastor Frank