Honoring Veterans

This weekend we salute and honor our Veterans who have served in various areas of the military… Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force.

Each of them have gone through the requirements to join and restrictions on how long you can be in active service. We acknowledge that the Reserves, Army National Guard and Air National Guard have guidelines for service.

On this Sunday, our worship will include special recognition to those in the CBC congregation who have served along with those who will be in attendance.

Just as our Veterans have committed themselves to service, as Christian believers in Christ, we are on a mission with living our lives for Christ. Our service to God is how we live and how we serve with lives committed to Christ.

The message on Sunday is Part 2 with this years Stewardship sermon series titled Preparation using Matthew 25:1-13.

Looking forward to seeing you in person and online.

Pastor Frank