Lenten Journey

We are on our Lenten Season journey with making deeper connections with God! Some have chosen to fast from various foods and activities while others are fasting to better food choices in living healthier lives.

Recently, I was asked what was I fasting from and in response, my answer was that it was personal. Our fasting should be between God and us.

In the past, my fasting often gave me withdrawals because of my addiction. The process of giving up something that I enjoyed so much made me physically uncomfortable. This addiction with the caffeine in coffee was not good for me and ultimately, after going through this ritual each year, I stopped drinking coffee. The fasting from coffee was good for my body and the denial of something that I thought that was needed became a lifestyle change. It went well beyond the Lenten season and enabled me to become less reliant of the caffeine from coffee.

Lent is a time of reflection and drawing closer to God. In taking the journey with Christ to the cross, how much more can we see God in a BETTER way and allowing God to be the center of our lives? The Christian may develop a more intimate relationship with the loving God who is the I AM as we approach the Lenten season and taking on a BETTER knowledge of who God is.

This Sunday our Lenten sermon series “What’s in a Name” continues with the message “Who Is Jesus” from the gospel of John 8:58 and John 4. Our choir will be ministering in song and we will have our Black History Month reflections to conclude the month of February.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday.

Pastor Frank