Posts by CBC4ME (Page 8)

There is Power in the Promise

During the Memorial Day weekend, it is often referenced as the beginning of summer with the warmer weather celebrations and people enjoying this opportunity in gathering together. This is actually a time to remember those who have paid the ultimate price in giving their lives in the military service. As we take this occasion to honor our…

The Proof is in the Promise

Perhaps you have seen the pain expressed through the eyes of parents in the recent tragic loss of so many young people. Our hearts become heavy whenever lives are lost regardless of the circumstances. We seemingly are losing our youth through senseless gun violence and mass shootings, tragic accidents, drugs and overdoses from fentanyl and mental…

Asking Why

Is there any single event or unique circumstance that has captured your mind and causing you to ask questions, i.e., world events, weather changes, senseless shootings, or family matters? It seems like the world is on fast forward without a lot of time to shift into pause, to change speed or direction. There is a…

Pause, Stop, Think

We have come through nearly 4 months of 2023 and if you are reading this on April 21st, it’s the 111th day of the year. In this moment of reflection, let’s Pause, Stop and Think… what have you have done 111 or more times this year? It can be rather amazing how much of our day becomes routine or repetitive from…

Mourning the Victims of the Gun Violence Epidemic

How do you feel when you hear about the mass shootings that continue to take place around the country? Whether it’s seeing families dealing with the tragic loss of their loved ones in the most recent events or those who are carrying the heaviness of long-term grief that is constant reminder every time there’s another shooting,…

Resurrection & Re-Creation

The journey has been long from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday and now the time of our “Risen Savior” calls us to rejoice! It is Resurrection Sunday!! Praise God!!! As the tomb is now empty and Mary Magdalene experiences first-hand, finding the stone rolled away. After this discovery happens and to later see the miraculously resurrected Jesus, she runs to let…


Easter is coming!! The weather is changing with spring in the air and it is so amazing to see the seasonal flowers (especially the lilies) as they make their appearance from the ground. Have you noticed the activities beginning to take place all around us from the flowers, birds, squirrels and the revitalization going on…

Encounters with Jesus – Open-Ended

Do you ever have expectations for something to happen and it does not happen when you thought it should? Sometimes our lives are filled with those circumstances that we are looking for Jesus in our situation and come to the realization that there is a greater purpose for our unique journey… We are on a…

Encounters with Jesus – Empowered

We have completed the first four topics from “Encounters with Jesus” including Called; Challenged; Rejected and Transformed. The Lenten Season continues to have impacts on our lives as we share with one another. It is amazing to hear the perspectives from our current day experiences and the correlation with those in the Bible. During this Women’s History Month celebration and acknowledgement…

Gospeled Lives – Transformation

Our journey to the cross during this Lenten Season continues to be a time of reflection as we study God’s Word through the lenses of the book “Gospeled Lives” – Encounters with Jesus. It is a joy to be in fellowship with our siblings and sharing this rich study that reflects Jesus’ encounters with people of various…