Change of Season

“Summer ends and the school year begins” were the words shared this week in anticipation of the Agape Preschool opening next week. The joy and anticipation of the children returning back to school is being expressed all around the area.

While recently shopping for school supplies, there were two sisters in the store that were very excited about their new school year. The excitement was contagious, and it seemed like everyone in the store knew about their enthusiasm for going back to school.

The look in the mom’s eyes was that of a graciousness and proud embarrassment.  What a joy to witness this moment of preparation for both mom and her children.

Can you imagine the summertime fun coming to an end and beginning the new school year in a new grade, new teacher and maybe a new school?  This spoke to my heart and the “Summer Sermon Series” that we will soon be finishing.

There is “Progress in the Process”, and like the mom and her daughters we are experiencing the tremendous season of both transition and preparation for the future.

On this first Sunday of September, as we worship together, we will acknowledge the September birthdays, share in the CBC covenant and communion.

The sermon titled “Realign” will reflect on the scripture from Matthew 16:24-28. It will be great to see everyone in person and on-line as we begin September.

Pastor Frank