Please enjoy our video A Rainbow of Promises featuring all the photos submitted during Lent with beautiful narration provided by Pastor Annette.
Maundy Thursday wasn’t a tradition I grew up with. So when I first hear about it in graduate school, I misheard the name as ‘Monday’ Thursday. Latin scholar, I am not. The word maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum, which means ‘command,’ It’s the first word of John 13:34, in which Jesus gives his followers a new commandment: A new…
With waving palms and shouts of “Hosanna!” we’ll enter Holy Week this year. For those of you who gave something up or took something on for Lent, you’re in the homestretch. As I said in the beginning, we’ve been doing Lent a little differently. Rather than focusing on the growing shadows, we’ve paid closer attention…
For the past several years, a pair of geese have settled into this lovely covered corner outside the pool at the gym. It’s really a great location. It’s within walking distance of several restaurants and close to shopping areas. It also has easy access to the expressway so on the rare night when you can find…
A copy of the painting above hangs on the wall of my guest room. On the nightstand is a book of poetry with the same picture on the cover. A few years ago, I came across this collection of poems by Mary Oliver called Blue Horses, and I was so struck by one particular line in the…
I always found it a bit odd how typical Lent observances run counter to what’s happening in the natural world. In Lent we often talk about the growing shadows as we get closer to the cross. Many churches keep their shutters or blinds closed to keep out the light. In the past, we’ve lowered coverings over…
Take a moment to watch this video from the 1960 classic Disney movie, Pollyanna starring the indelible Hayley Mills as Pollyanna, a young girl sent to live with her tight-laced aunt after the death of her missionary parents. For those of you who may not have seen Mills’ Disney debut, I highly recommend checking it out. The town is…
We’re happy to announce that we’ve made the first disbursement of $500 from our Afghan Relief Fund to help MSR and his family. MSR is a man in his 30’s that worked with the US Government for all of his adult life and found himself in grave danger when the US withdrew from Afghanistan. He…
I was reading a reflection by a colleague this morning and was caught by how they described how practice helps us find our center. They wrote “Our spiritual practices…deepen and strengthen our capacity to find our way, find our breath, find our center, our grounding.” I was struck by what it means to find our center—to…
Paint is the only weapon I have with which to fight what I resent. If I could write, I would write about it. If I could talk, I would talk about it. Since I paint, I must paint about it. Charles White You might recognize one of the men in the picture above. On the…