There is Power in the Promise

During the Memorial Day weekend, it is often referenced as the beginning of summer with the warmer weather celebrations and people enjoying this opportunity in gathering together. This is actually a time to remember those who have paid the ultimate price in giving their lives in the military service.

As we take this occasion to honor our fallen heroes and She-roes, let’s remember the families that will experience moments of grief and especially those who have heavier hearts because of a recent loss, along with those who are experiencing long-term grief.

Whenever we have change, there’s the experience and sense of loss, whether in losing love ones, divorce, losing a job or just missing someone who we have grown to cherish. Our hearts and spirits long for connection and consistency. If you are grieving from any type of loss, you may feel that no-one cares and you are all alone.

You can rest assured that you are never alone, regardless of what you think. It is a fact that God is with you!! Our CBC family and there are others who can offer support and encouragement.

In addition to this being Memorial Day weekend, when we give honor in memory of those who have given their lives, it is also Pentecost Sunday. This is the time when we celebrate the birth of the church and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Our message on this Sunday, “There is Power in the Promise” from Acts 2 will be a continuation from last Sunday’s message from Acts 1. We are all encouraged to add something RED to our attire that will be symbolic of our unity and recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit in each of our hearts.

Pastor Frank