Mourning the Victims of the Gun Violence Epidemic

How do you feel when you hear about the mass shootings that continue to take place around the country? Whether it’s seeing families dealing with the tragic loss of their loved ones in the most recent events or those who are carrying the heaviness of long-term grief that is constant reminder every time there’s another shooting, the pain is real.

So far in 2023 (as of this moment), over 11,500 people have died as a result of gun violence. It has been stated by researchers that one of every two families have been impacted in some way with being connected to the victims.

There are some serious questions that have yet to be addressed and answered. The parents are asking why, the children are asking when something will be done, while others are asking who is going to be next and where? Everyone has some questions.

Our hearts are heavy, and prayers go out for those impacted and are affected by the painful losses. We are in a major pandemic that is older than the Covid-19 and needs a major intervention.

As believers in the One who created the heavens and the earth, we can do our part in praying for solutions and putting our faith into action. There is Hope!!

The joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday morning was a celebration filled with the experiences witnessed by Mary Magdalene, Peter and the disciple who Jesus loved. It was in seeing Jesus that caused Mary Magdalene to get excited and running to tell the disciples that she had seen Jesus.

This Sunday’s message, from John 20:19-31 “Jesus – We See You” (Part 1) will be uniquely shared with the Agapè Preschool children during this special Sunday for the children and their families.

There will be a lesson for all of us, as we see Jesus and the witness of Thomas who sees the resurrected Christ on our second Sunday of Easter.

Come early to welcome the Agapè Preschool children and their families.