Our journey to the cross during this Lenten Season continues to be a time of reflection as we study God’s Word through the lenses of the book “Gospeled Lives” – Encounters with Jesus. It is a joy to be in fellowship with our siblings and sharing this rich study that reflects Jesus’ encounters with people of various backgrounds, personalities and cultures.
Everyone who encounters Jesus will experience the blessings of becoming a follower of Christ. As we follow Christ, there will be something that we may have to give up to take up the cross. We are on the journey and witnessing our own personal encounters in seeing our lives in Christ.
Jesus in asking the Samaritan woman at the well for a drink of water provided her with the gift of Living Water. Her encounter with Jesus caused her thirst to be quenched and many others were impacted through this encounter.
Come and hear the message on Sunday, Gospeled Lives – Transformation from John 4. This message will offer an interesting fact on this woman at the well during Women’s History Month.
Pastor Frank