
During our recent worship service on Sunday, July 2nd, we took the time to recognize the CBC Pandemic Team – Amy, Sue, John, Jodi, and Pastor Annette who were the connectors to the church during the pandemic. This was an idea that occurred during one of the Transition Team meetings and was placed on our “Parking Lot” of things to do along with several other items.

The planning of this recognition and acknowledgement was supported by the transition team with Rosa taking the lead in obtaining the recognition items.  This was an example of the teamwork that takes place at CBC. My reflection on this aspect of teamwork is symbolic of what happens in many communities of faith. The relationships that are brought together through various ministries are the passions that we need in every area of the church.

Another observation, as the lessons that were learned became more apparent, is that while most of the members were at home worshiping on Sunday, there was a team of people making it happen.  While there continues to be a significant amount of change for everyone, every church has experienced more change in the past 2-3 years than it has in maybe decades.

As I leaned into various discussions during the recent ABC USA Biennial, here are some thoughts that were pondered. What is the role of the church? What is the role of the clergy?

People have discovered unusual ways to attend church and maybe less often in person, yet they still need to be connected and feel the touch of the community.
It was impossible to get your CBC Sunday morning hug through the virtual worship and many longed for the opportunity to be greeted at the church door with the hug.

Just like so many other churches each of us are on our respective journey for the future.  Our having worship in the Fellowship Hall was something that the Transition Team thought would help us to reconnect and reengage with each other. This was an imaginative thought presented through acknowledging God’s Presence and guiding us.

The sense of touch provided healing for many and has placed us on a sense of wonderment with thinking beyond our normal, to what we can do; as well as what is God calling us to be; along with who is God calling us to serve. May we all be encouraged to reach beyond what we know and experience God’s touch. Thank you to the “Pandemic Team” for your example to CBC.

The Summer Sermon Series, “Progress in the Process” continues with the next installment and sermon titled “Restoration” taken from Matthew 13. Let us see what the Lord is saying to us and what God is doing as we “Progress in the Process.”

Pastor Frank