The Heart of Christmas is Love

During this Advent Season, we have experienced our church adjusting to the new norms and bringing back the Christmas Cantata on last Sunday. Those Joyful sounds ringing through the air along with the wonderfully decorated sanctuary was simply beautiful.

The labor of Love in preparation began months (in reality years) ago and after many hours of practice, we experienced what might be best described as a message in song. It was simply one of those days when we heard the Joy of Christmas through narration and song.

We’re getting closer to Christmas Day and celebrating the birth of the One who brings us Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

Our theme for Advent, “The Heart of Christmas” is a reminder of this season and why we celebrate. As Christians, we celebrate the One who came from heaven to earth because we needed a Savior. The only One who could reconcile us back to God.

The Heart of Christmas is Love!

We give gifts to each other as a sign of Love to our children, family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. As we prepare to share our gifts, be reminded of the ultimate gift that God sent through the Holy Spirit that impregnated the virgin Mary with a baby, Immanuel (meaning God with us.) That’s Good News!!

Pastor Frank