During the Advent Season, we have shared inspirational messages on Hope and Peace in keeping with this year’s theme, “The Heart of Christmas.” This weekend continues with Joy building on both Hope and Peace.
There’s so much Joy when our hearts are filled with Hope and Peace. While reading a beautiful Christmas story to the Agapè children, this week I had one of those experiences of witnessing Joy through the eyes and smiles of children.
In each of the three classes, there was excitement looking at the pictures and reading the “The Donkeys Christmas Song.” The children laughed as we made the different animal sounds of chicks, mice, sheep, cows, pigs, and the donkey welcoming the baby Jesus. After reading the story and hearing the singing of special music filling the air with joyful sounds. As I joined in ringing Christmas bells, my heart became even more Joyful, while making a maze through the children and finding my way to leave the classroom.
There are so many lessons that we will experience by sharing with one another in the joys of life. It is a season of blessings and the season of miracles! Just the other day, there was the joyful news of the WNBA basketball player who was released from prison after almost a year. There’s other joyful news of someone receiving a much-needed organ transplant to live. These are all good news stories and happy moments for those families. It is the season of miracles!
I am mindful that the Joy of Christmas can sometimes bring pain. The families of the prisoners that were not released are feeling the pain. The families of those who donated organs from their loved ones are experiencing the pain and loss. The loss of loved ones can bring back memories and those melancholy moments. It may appear everyone around you are having those happy moments and you’re experiencing the pain that Christmas brings. Let’s remember those during this time of year that may be going through the pain. Make that special phone call and invitation for sharing or just being the listening ear. It may not seem like much, but to that person who could use your attention, it’s much more than could be imagined.
Do you know someone who needs to experience the “Heart of Christmas That Brings Joy?” Invite them to join you this Sunday! Our choir will be sharing their Christmas Cantata on this Sunday and the messages of Joy through song. Let’s bring our hearts to Christmas as we share the Joy that Christmas brings.
Looking forward to seeing you in worship in-person and virtually online this Sunday!
Pastor Frank