Mission Moment – America for Christ Offering

This Sunday we’ll be collecting the annual America for Christ offering for the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS). Please prayerfully consider what you can give to support the many wonderful programs and projects ABHMS funds.

ABHMS publishes a number of resources that share the good news as well as the challenges of ministry, while offering support and inspiration to congregations and individuals seeking to live in Christian faith.  They are committed to developing resources that support nurturing spiritual growth; building diverse, healing communities; and strengthening churches through leadership and discipleship development.

For the past few weeks inserts in our worship bulletins have shown this mission in action through youth programs and projects, roofs for Puerto Rican residents and relief to other individuals who are the victims of natural disasters like fire, flood, and earthquakes, countering ethnic hatred, promoting minority individuals success, providing aid and support to the homeless and the hopeless through out the United States and Puerto Rico.

Specific beneficiaries of this offering are the American Baptist School and Seminary; training and providing retreats for chaplains who work in schools, hospitals, and military; supporting programs and training staff in Christian centers like Friendship House in Peoria and Youngstown and Dayton Ohio facilities (among many others), Kodiak Baptist Mission, and many more community efforts.

The annual goal of the ABHMS this year is to raise $1,000,000 to support American Baptist missions and ministry across the US and Puerto Rico.  To collect our AFC offering is one of the ways we can demonstrate our ministry to build community, show love, instill wisdom, and provide growth for the individuals we minister to.

In Service,
Ministry of Missions