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The Resurrection and the Life

We have journeyed from Ash Wednesday in this Lenten Season and Resurrection Sunday comes this weekend after Good Friday with the death and burial of Jesus. We celebrate remembering that the Old Testament prophecies being fulfilled in the New Testament and Christ saying that He would rise again. Jesus is the Lord Almighty – Yahweh-Sabaoth. God was revealed to Moses as the “I Am who I Am.” Jesus uses…

Holy Week

Our journey to Easter continues, as we prepare to begin Holy Week also known as Passion Week. It is on Palm Sunday with the reminders of the shouts of Hosanna, blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord that we begin this final journey to the cross. In reflection of our Lenten Season journey, the CBC congregation has…

Our Lenten Season sermon series with the theme, “What’s In a Name? and Who is God?” continue to lead us towards the cross. The Bible studies have been enriching to those in attendance, during the Sunday mornings from the book “Modeling Mary,” the “I Am” messages, as well as the Tuesday evenings. We all have benefited…

Unexpected and Unplanned

How are you finding yourself during this Lenten season with your journey? After the first 60 days of 2024, have you discovered and/or developed some new habits to help in a BETTER New Year and BETTER You? Now with February behind us there’s a little over 300 days left in this year. Sunday, March 3rd will be…

Lenten Journey

We are on our Lenten Season journey with making deeper connections with God! Some have chosen to fast from various foods and activities while others are fasting to better food choices in living healthier lives. Recently, I was asked what was I fasting from and in response, my answer was that it was personal. Our fasting should…


Each year, as Lent approaches, many Christians find themselves asking what they should “give up for Lent.”  Though it is not mandatory for a Protestant believer to do so, it has become a tradition in many denominations to fast or abstain from something (food, vices, or other daily enjoyments). Some congregants have asked where this…

Ash Wednesday

This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season. On Ash Wednesday, we recall the biblical custom of covering ourselves in ashes. By doing this, we mark ourselves in two ways: as those who are in mourning for our crucified Christ, and as those who are filled with a heart…

Divine Connection

We have finished January and are moving into February. While this may be the shortest month, there’s definitely no shortage of ministry activities. In light of recent events, nationally and internationally, we enter into this busy time. I encourage everyone to dedicate time for meditation and solitude. In just a couple of weeks, we will begin…

I know Who You Are

It was some years ago, while living on the West Coast and visiting Chicago, I was walking downtown and doing my best to keep up with the pace. The memories of being in downtown Chicago were filled with the expectations of seeing people that I knew while growing up who worked in the city. I…

Re-Think Your Story

In just the first 19 days of January, how quickly we are now approaching the final days for this first month of the New Year. So far, what has been your biggest story and your most life changing moment? As I continue to reflect on the thoughts and directions that is filled with multiple stories, I…