Both yesterday and today I stood with families at Cerny Park as two classes of Agapè students “slid” into kindergarten by coming down a slide as part of their preschool graduation. It was lovely to celebrate this moment after such an unusual school year. Miss Jayne and Miss Konnie did such a wonderful job adapting to all the extra…
Earlier this week, I got an email from the Property & Finance team with the subject line “Two Pines CBC.” At first glance, I misread this line because my brain sometimes connects things in weird ways. In this case, my brain connected “Two Pines CBC” to an upcoming meeting about reigniting the door replacement project. In the past, we’d reached…
For those of you keeping track, today (May 13) marks forty days since we gathered as the church to celebrate on Easter morning. That means today is when the church remembers Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Luke is the only gospel that includes an account of an ascension. Briefly mentioned at the very end of Luke, the ascension serves as…
Last night I finished making a blanket. I’m not posting a picture of it here because it’s a Christmas gift for someone who sometimes reads these weekly musings. So the picture above is of another blanket I made in the Fall. I crochet in the evenings—not every evening and not all the time. My desire…
About a month ago, I planted some seeds in a little pot on my windowsill as part of our Holy Week at Home reflection. Maybe some of you did the same. I was surprised when I opened my seed packet and saw some very teeny tiny seeds. It was difficult to pick up a single seed.…
Despite the Pandemic, the American Baptist Home Mission Society (ABHMS) has remained active. Chaplains, many of whom have been overwhelmed by ministry to COVID patients and their families, have been supported via monthly Zoom meetings. Initiatives to encourage innovative ministries have been supported. Research on effective ways of reaching out to younger people has been shared. Scholarships…
The other day, a friend shared a song with me, The Keep Going Song by the Bengsons (find it on youtube!) I found it quite moving so thought I would share it with you all. It is silly and lovely, but at its heart, it’s really a prayer, which it what I found myself reflecting…
Both my sister and my parents came to visit me last year on Sunday, March 15. After church we went out to eat at Country House. There was no ketchup bottles or salt shakers on the table, and sometime between when we ordered and when our food came, news broke that all restaurants in Illinois would close the…
The weather forecast must have heard my hope for nice weather on Sunday. Granted, things might still change between now and then, but it looks like the weather is going to cooperate and not rain on our parade. We’ll make the final call on Sunday so be sure to tune into the livestream. The plan is…
Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand firm against the tactics of the Devil. ~ Ephesians 6:11 Over the past few weeks, a selection of masks have collected on my desk. I wear a mask into the office when the preschool and other people are in the building, but then…