We’re happy to announce that we’ve made the first disbursement of $500 from our Afghan Relief Fund to help MSR and his family.
MSR is a man in his 30’s that worked with the US Government for all of his adult life and found himself in grave danger when the US withdrew from Afghanistan. He is married with four very young children.
When the US left Afghanistan, he lost his job and security. He was not able to access any of his assets and used the last of his available funds to secure passports for his family, VISAS to Pakistan for all six of them, and transportation to the border.
After being in hiding for months, they left behind everything – family, their home, all belongings except what fit in the trunk of their car. It took days to cross safely into Pakistan.
They are now safer, but have no way to work or earn money to support themselves. They are waiting, hopeful, that the US government will stand by its promises, and approve their entry into the US to rebuild a life, but that may take years. They are trying to find other opportunities available to them in the meantime.
The money donated was used to pay rent for one month where they are all living together, safely, away from the constant threat and fear of the Taliban. The four children are able to get out into the sunshine everyday now that they are no longer needing to hide for their safety. MSR has expressed deep and sincere gratitude for the help keeping his family alive. He does not quite understand why strangers on the other side of the world care so deeply for the lives of his children, but he feels the love and hope we are offering through our help.
In Service,
Ministry of Missions