This week marked the year anniversary of a small group of lovely dreamers, curious visionaries, and committed volunteers coming together to begin discussing and discerning God’s dream and purpose for Community Baptist Church. After our Advent theme last year that dared us to be like Those Who Dream, I invited anyone who wanted to be part of this process to gather over Zoom last January. That was the beginning.
Over the next twelve months, seven of us continued to meet. We read, and we prayed. We talked, and we listened. We wrote and received a grant. We organized a church retreat to hear more stories and gather more wisdom. Then we listened and talked some more.
It wasn’t always easy—taking a hard but holy look in the mirror rarely is. But we kept listening for what the Spirt was saying. We persevered, seeking and striving to articulate who we are and who God’s called us to be at our very core.
And during our conversation this week a statement coalesced. We’re currently sitting with that statement to see how it sits and settles. Our hope is to present it to you at the Annual Meeting on February 27. Moving forward the goal is to use this statement as a guide to help us determine what activities and programs or events ministries to pursue.
We have appreciated your prayers through this process. As I said before, it hasn’t always been easy. After our last conversation, I told the team how after our meetings I often feel the same way I do after a hard but good workout—tired but also invigorated and accomplished knowing progress was happening and good things were taking shape. So please continue to pray for us as we sit with this statement of purpose and plan to ask for your blessing soon.
In Love,
Pastor Annette