Two Books of Where We Are

I bought two books last week. The first was a book of prayers—a book of tiny prayers to be exact. Micah Bucey is minister and spiritual leader in New York City. When the city went into lockdown in March 2020, Bucey began a daily practice of writing a tiny prayer each morning. After a year, Bucey collected these meditations and made them available in a printed collection. I bought it as a time capsule and memento of sorts to remember the chaotic year we endured.

The other book I bought is an Advent devotional. I typically buy one or two Advent devotionals every year with the intent of using them for my own spiritual practice. Oftentimes they also become a resource of readings for services or other meditations.

To me these two books represent this in-between time in which we still find ourselves. We’re still processing the past year—working through the trauma, learning the lessons, making the changes, opening ourselves to the possibilities. I want The Book of Tiny Prayers to help me remember what it was like to live through that time of uncertainty when everything seemed fragile. The Songs for the Shadows is for this time of waiting as we’re sorting everything out.

I imagine over the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing some excerpts from both of these books as we offer up tiny prayers and dare to sing songs in the shadows.

In Love,
Pastor Annette