
For the past few months, I’ve really enjoyed reading “Letters from an American.” It’s a daily reflection on national events from Heather Cox Richardson, a professor of American history at Boston College. I love how she puts the events of the day into perspective with how we got here.

The present moment is the product of history—just the most recent link in a long chain of events. We often lose sight of this cause and effect chain since we’ve only experienced a very small segment of it. And of that small segment, we’ve only truly been aware of a tiny slice. The demands of daily life leave little room to connect the dots of historical trends, philosophical shifts, and significant political movements.

So I’ve enjoyed Dr. Cox’s “Letters from an American” as a daily dose of history in manageable and insightful bites. She offers perspective rather than prescription. She invites readers to take a step back and observe this American experiment that we’re all a part of.

I find similar comfort and delight in reading many Bible stories. Scripture doesn’t offer us solutions as much as it offers us companionship. In the ancient struggles and triumphs of our ancestors, I feel a kinship as we struggle to make sense of what it means to be people in this world.

Bible characters don’t always get it right, but in their efforts to connect with others, in their successes and failures, I see myself and take heart in knowing I’m not alone–that this work of being human has been going on long before I got here and will continue long after I’m gone. I find joy in being part of this ongoing project of humanity. Knowing that others have wrestled with doubt, struggled with sin, experienced joy, and found peace helps me take a step back from my daily worries and root myself in a story that’s much bigger than I can ever imagine.

Beloved of God, the story of our faith is still being sung and lived out today. So wherever you find yourself in it, I pray you take comfort and delight in knowing you make it a better and more complete story.

In Love,
Pastor Annette