Teach Us to Pray

The official beginning of summer and solstice, the longest day of the year all coincided on this past Thursday, June 20th. It was also designated as the Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day and it was an opportunity to highlight the advances in the treatment of Alzheimer’s.

As we join with our loved ones throughout the summer months with reunions and gatherings, let us be mindful these are special moments to share together the memories and joys of life. This summer, and especially after the pandemic, is the first time some members will be meeting.

While this month continues with record breaking temperatures and celebrations with many families coming together, my heart is heavy for the increase of gun violence that is increasing across the country. The summer is a time when children should be able to play outside and enjoy being with their friends without being concerned about gun violence.

The June Prayer List highlights our daily focus and provides an emphasis that we can all can be joined together, along with our personal prayer concerns.

As our emphasis on prayer, continues with The Summer Sermon Series this Sunday with God’s Love demonstrated in The Lord’s Prayer. The sermon titled, “Lord Teach Us To Pray” will include scriptures with selected verses from John 1:12-13, Hebrews 4:16 and from Matthew 6.

For those traveling, we pray God’s Blessings on you and hope you can include the Sunday worship in your schedule via Livestream: https://cbcwarrenville.org/live-stream/ 

Pastor Frank