
After the first full week of January and in “looking ahead,” we all have experienced an occasional unexpected or unplanned activity. The unexpected events will frequently require immediate attention with actions that we may have not anticipated in our “looking ahead.”

These thoughts came to mind as I reflected on the first few days of the year along with the sermon, “Looking Ahead.” We expect to have our activities well defined and laid out for implementation only to be interrupted by life events.

You may ask, how can I look ahead if I have no control over the circumstances? That is a great question, and it requires a great response. When we trust God, we trust God’s Plan. While we may not see clearly what is taking place, we can rest assured that God has a plan for God’s People.

As we “look ahead,” there is the hope for “Better” days and better circumstances. In this period of transition and throughout our lives, we will experience ongoing changes taking place all around us. We are God’s people and with our hearts focused on God, this will position us for the outcome that is perfectly designed with us in mind.

This Sunday will begin the sermon series “BETTER,” and our first installment homily will be titled “Better Priorities” with selected scriptures from Psalm 139 & Matthew 6.

Hopefully, the weather permits your safe travels to this Sunday’s interactive worship service in the fellowship hall or from the comforts of your home via Zoom.

Pastor Frank