With waving palms and shouts of “Hosanna!” we’ll enter Holy Week this year. For those of you who gave something up or took something on for Lent, you’re in the homestretch.
As I said in the beginning, we’ve been doing Lent a little differently. Rather than focusing on the growing shadows, we’ve paid closer attention to the Rainbow of Promises that comprise the full spectrum of God’s grace. We’ve delved into the beauty of this season through the paintings of Van Gogh and our own surroundings. We’ve focused our prayers with a growing ring of tactile reminders. (There are still three squares to add so be sure to come get one this Sunday, one at our Good Friday service and the final one on Easter morning.)
In just over a week, we’ll come to the culmination and the fulfillment of this journey. We will once again marvel at an empty tomb and celebrate God’s promise of new life.
I hope it’s been as delightful a journey for you as it’s been for me. I hope the Spirit’s been at work tuning your heart and opening your mind to recognize how God’s promise surround us—how they hold us and guide us. I pray as we make our way to the cross and beyond, she will continue to deepen our connection to the One who called us into being and calls us ‘Beloved’
In Love,
Pastor Annette