Expectant Waiting for Exciting Things

As the leaves continue to fall from the trees, as the days continue to grow colder and shorter, as nature (at least in this part of the world) prepares to go to sleep, this is usually a winding down season; a time to stay home, snuggle up, and sleep.

But Advent is right around the corner. As a season of expectant waiting, Advent is a time of preparation as we get ready for something special to be born. It’s in that spirit of Advent that I want to take a minute and share some of the exciting things happening at CBC, things in various stages of development that are waiting to be fully born through your prayers and support in the coming weeks and months.

These things have been giving me life so I thought I’d pull them all together in one place to share with you. Some of these things you’ve heard during the announcements on Sunday morning, some have been taking shape for awhile, and others are being built through our collective wisdom and experience.

First, we’re getting very close to presenting you with a proposal to replace the doors of the church. This project has been in the works for awhile, but was put on hold during the pandemic when so many things were uncertain. A small group appointed by the Coordination Team a few years ago have been diligently working to consider various plans and seek various bids. Last Sunday I mentioned having a good meeting with a representative from one company who’s currently working to finalize a proposal that we hope to present to the church very soon. Until then I’m continuing to enjoy that smooth new sidewalk that paves the way to those soon-to-be new doors.

Next, is the ongoing work of the Visioning Team. Daring to dream how God is calling CBC to live out the gospel, this faithful group of folks have been meeting since January. Their hard work brought us together a few weeks ago for a church retreat where we shared our stories and discerned our core essence as a congregation. This week the Visioning Team had another energizing meeting to sort through all the work we did at the retreat and start putting together our collective vision. Our hope is to have a statement and vision to present to you at our Annual Church Meeting in February.

And finally is a community volunteer chaplain program I’m working to start with a group of local ministers to serve the brave first responders at the Warrenville Fire Department. We’re looking to build supportive relationships with the fire department staff to care for them as they care for others in times of crisis. In addition to the chaplain services the ministers will be providing, we’re also hoping to create opportunities for our local church communities to show their support as well so stay turned for those.

We have a lot to give thanks for. It is a gift to serve others with care, dream together with joy, and welcome all into our sanctuary with beautiful durable doors. I’m so glad to be on this journey and doing this work together!

In Love,
Pastor Annette