Finding Solace in Song

Above is a link to the video that was our Musical Meditation on Sunday. I came across this song several weeks ago when the great poet and essayist Parker Palmer posted it to promote Carrie Newcomer’s new album Until Now, that comes out today. According to her website, this album “explores the process of unraveling and reweaving the threads of our lives after great disruption, exploring change and transformation with attention to detail and self-compassion.” This song, “A Long Way Up” is the only song I’ve heard off of this new album, but I’m eager to hear the rest and actually see her in concert when she comes to Chicago to perform at the Old Town School of Folk music.

I listened to this song many times over the past few weeks as we’ve been going through our series on Unraveling and finally had the opportunity to share it with you. Listening to it was always like taking a deep breath.

With everything going on this week, my mind has been bouncing around with lots of things without ever really settling on one thing I felt the need to write about.

Instead, I found myself listening to more of Carrie Newcomer’s music so thought I would share the video from Sunday as well as one of her older songs below.

If you like her style, you can find a link to listen to her new album on her website HERE

Enjoy and Breathe!
Pastor Annette