Things I’m Excited About

Beloved of God, it seems we hit the ground running in this new year. As we’re working on putting together our Annual Report and look forward to celebrating what we were able to accomplish despite the many challenges of 2020, I’m also very excited about several things on the horizon, both near and far. You can read more about each of these things in the weekly email, but I wanted to name them here to share my excitement:

  • Revitalized Congregational Care Ministry
  • Ongoing Visioning Process
  • Deepening relationship between church and Agape families
  • Black History Month
  • Annual Meeting
  • Lent in the Wilderness Plan
  • Other opportunities for innovative ministry

I know this past year has been difficult for many reasons. Like you, I’ve probably cried and prayed and vented and questioned and ached more in the past ten months than ever before. But that doesn’t mean God hasn’t been present and at work. As we witnessed our world break apart in so many ways, I clung to the hope and promise of new life. I prayed and trusted that these were the labor pains of something new being born among us.

The cracks that spread across the thinly veneered surface of our society exposed places that had been crying out for love and justice. It’s into these broken and hurting places that the church is called to live peace, speak hope, offer service, proclaim love, and advocate for justice. What lies before us is the opportunity to be a community committed to repentance, reconciliation, and resurrection.

On the surface, this past year might have felt empty or a waste. But I’m reminded that even the most productive fields need to lay fallow for a season or two every once in a while in order to bring forth a good harvest. Seeds buried deep in the ground are hard at work putting down roots—grounding the new plant before it can break through the clods of dirt. We’re starting to till fallow fields, plant good seeds, and put down strong roots.

Beloved of God I invite you to reflect on what God has done this past year that maybe you weren’t aware of in the midst of it. I invite you to sit with the dreams God’s giving you for the days and months and years ahead. Get excited that God is not done with us yet! There’s work to be done, ground to till, seeds to sow, people to love, and the gospel to proclaim!  I’m excited for this work and grateful to be laboring alongside you!

In Love,
Pastor Annette