flower sale

Spring is just around the corner! Time to start planning your garden! Our 23rd annual Flower Sale is here. Preorders are due by Friday, March 21st. Delivery will be Saturday, May 3rd. To order, print out and complete the CBC Flower Order 2025. The completed order form can be submitted by dropping into the offering plate during service, emailing to [email protected], or mailing to 28W444 Main St, Warrenville, IL 60555. Payment due on delivery, cash or check to CBC accepted.

america for christ special offering

We are collecting donation for America for Christ 2025 through throughout March. You can make a donation by clicking here: CBC Givelify App and choosing the American for Christ “envelope”. The America for Christ Offering is administered through the American Baptist Church partnered with community groups and local churches. The threefold focus includes cultivating leaders, equipping disciples, and healing communities. You can find more information at American for Christ

Food pantry – critical needs

Demand has increased at the Warrenville Food Pantry. At the same time donations to the area Food Bank, which supplies a large portion of the groceries, have decreased. Our inventory is critically low.

Most Needed Items:

Whole Kernel Sweet Corn, 15 oz can

Canned Chicken, 5 oz to 13 oz size

Canned Tuna, 5 oz to 13 oz size

Peanut Butter, 18 oz or 40 oz

Canola or Vegetable Oil, 48 oz.

Cereal, boxed dry, any brand

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, boxed, 7.25 oz (please no generic or store brand substitutions)

Instant Corn Masa Mix, 4.4 lb bag (available at Aldi)

Items can be dropped off at CBC for our regular collection and delivery to the Pantry on the last Sunday of the month. You may also deliver them directly to the Food Pantry at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, to the large tan building northwest of the church at the end of the parking lot. Deliveries can be accepted at the following times

Monday, 2:30-4:30 PM

Tuesday, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM

Thursday, 2:30-4:30 PM

Thank you for your generous support of our local Food Pantry and our vulnerable local families.

urgent needs for DuPage pads

DuPagePADS is in urgent need of in-kind donations as they serve our unhoused neighbors. Items of high priority are all types of toiletries (full-sized), socks of all sizes, and zippered plastic bags, sandwich and quart sizes. For a complete list of needed items, please click PADS Donation Needs for local drop off or PADS Amazon Wish List to help from wherever you are.

food pantry news

Donations are now easier than ever! If you’re not local, or are unable to bring a donation to church, you can now easily support the Food Pantry using their Amazon Wish List  

Also new at the Food Pantry is the Tiny Pantry! An outdoor cabinet with food available 24/7 for those in need.

For March, we’re collecting Kraft Macaroni & Cheese!  Any other non-perishable food item is welcome. Or check out the list below of non-food items that are always needed. Thank you to everyone who donated cooking oil in February.

If you would like to donate some non-food items as well, we could also use the following:
Diapers          Baby wipes
Dish soap       Laundry detergent
Body wash     Shampoo
Hand soap     Toothpaste

supporting food insecure households

Food Pantry Donations Nov 2023



CBC has long been a supporter of our local food pantry, with both donations and volunteers. In August 2021, we began keeping track of donations by weight. Our grand total has now surpassed THREE TONS! That’s right, 6000 lbs of food, personal care, baby supplies, and household products. We bless your generous hearts every day.

Agapè preschool news

We’re now enrolling for our 2024-2025 classes. Just give a call to 630-393-4205 for questions or to set up a tour for you and your child!

Agapè wish list

You can now support our Agapè Preschool at any time using Miss Jayne’s Wish List. The ongoing Congregation support of our Preschool is always a blessing!

worship Services – New in-person guidelines & Continuation of livestream

Moving forward, as we continue to worship in person in conjunction with the livestream, the Coordination Team  will continue to review our guidelines each month and make changes as we continue to care for the safety and well-being of everyone.

The State of Illinois has suspended the indoor mask mandate. Mask wearing is up to the discretion of the individual. Extra masks will be available in the narthex. Please be safe and help keep yourself and others protected.

We have reinstated our beloved post-service Fellowship & Refreshment Time! Fellowship Hosts are always welcome, the sign up calendar is back and available in Fellowship Hall.

As always, we appreciate your prayers and are grateful for your support during this time of discernment.

Join our email list

Do  you receive our weekly email updates? They are chockful of details about events, inspiring thoughts from Pastor Frank, scriptures for upcoming services, prayer requests, and more! Just call the church office at 630-393-9609 to be added to our list.

Ongoing Food & Toiletries Drive

The Missions Team is sponsoring a food drive for the Warrenville Food Pantry on the first Sunday of each month. Donation of non-perishable food items are welcome. Priority items at the moment are condiments, dessert mixes, icing and other baking supplies (except canned pumpkin). All types of toiletries are also in high demand – toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, shampoo, diapers of all sizes, and toilet paper.  Collection box is located by the coat racks.

Food Pantry Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for the community food pantry at Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Batavia Rd in Warrenville. Workers are needed when the pantry is open on Tuesday mornings, Thursday evenings, and Sunday afternoons, as well as for food rescue and shelving on Thursday and Saturday mornings. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Renee at [email protected].