Adult Classes on Sunday Mornings

We will be embarking on a special Lenten Bible Study through Easter. Join us this Sunday, March 9th, at 9:00 AM as we begin. No worries if you miss the first session, or any others. Our format easily allows for you to  jump in at any time. We’ll return to our study of the Books of Samuel after Easter.

“Like a Cecil B. De Mille epic, the biblical Books of Samuel boast a cast of thousands and more subplots than an afternoon soap opera,” according to Adele Reinhartz. Even if you have not joined us before, you can jump in on Sunday, February 23 as we read and discuss I Samuel 22 and cover two or three chapters. There are stories you did not hear as a child in Sunday School!

Classes meet 9:00-10:00 AM Sundays, every other week in our Education Building located next door to the church.

Sometimes our classes are Bible studies. Sometimes we choose for discussion a book focused on theological thought, philosophy, spirituality, or navigating life.

All questions are honored and diversity of theological thought and belief is welcome.